Science and Conservation Public Forum

“Raising the Level of Knowledge of the Underwater World”

Focus on marine science, education, and conservation

Sunday October 2, 2022 – Doc Edgerton Room

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with focus on Marine Conservation

9:30 AM  Surfrider FoundationAlex Vai

10:30 AM  New England Aquarium – John W. Mandelman, Ph.D. Vice President, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life Chief Scientist, Fisheries & Habitat Conservation

11:30 AM  Atlantic White Shark Conservancy – Kristen Kibblehouse

1:00 PM  Ocean Conservancy – Sandra Whitehouse

2:00 PM Center for Coastal Studies – Paulette Durazo

3:00 PM Ocean Matters – Laura Parker Roerden

Speaker Bios



2021 Forum on Coral Reef Ecosystems

9:30 Caribbean Corals Under Siege – Battling Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in the Virgin Islands – Paul Cater-Deaton

10:30 Current Status of Coral Reefs – Randi Rotjan and Les Kaufman

11:30 Restoring the Florida Reef Tract with Coral Restoration Foundation – Krista LaForest

1:00 Science in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area: a decade past and future – Randi Rotjan

2:00 Proteus: The International Space Station of the Seafloor  – Brian Helmuth and Mark Patterson

3:00 Panel Discussion

Forum 2020

 Morning Session – Citizen Science Activities

Learn how you can become involved in collecting valid data as a Citizen Scientist.

0930 – Citizen Scientists Monitoring Seagrass Meadows  – Phil Colarusso, U.S. EPA         

1030 – Tools to Identify Organisms and Contribute Observations to Science –Ted Maney, Salem State University

1130REEF Volunteer Fish Survey Project – Uma Mirani, NEADC

Other Citizen Science Activities

  • Coastal CleanupsCoastSweep     CleanSwell
  • Reef Check – Empowering people to save our reefs and oceans
  • Take an Eco Diver or Citizen Scientist Diver Course at your local Dive Store

Afternoon Session

 1:30 – Science in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area: a decade past and future
– Randi Rotjan, Boston University

 2:30 – Seaweed Mariculture as a Tool to Help Protect Coral Reefs
Loretta Roberson, Marine Biological Laboratory

3:30 – Sargassum Invades the Caribbean Sea – George Buckley

 March 10, 2019

Morning Session

 “Hot Times in the Gulf of Maine” – Impacts of Warming 

9:30: Impacts of Climate Change on Seagrasses Phil Colarusso, U.S. EPA

The Blue Carbon Initiative

10:00: Climate Change Effect on Kelps Jarrett Byrnes, UMass Boston

Marine Forests (Citizen Science Site)

iNaturalist (Citizen Science Site)

10:30: Temperature Change Effects On Subtidal Rock Wall Communities In Massachusetts Bay Ted Maney, Salem State

11:00: Harmful Algal Blooms and Climate Change Amy Giannotti, Cambrian Foundation

11:30: The Future of Fishing in a Rapidly Warming Gulf of Maine Marissa McMahan, Manomet

12:00: Climate Change, Rescue Effects And The Unseen Role Of Habitat Variability Brian Helmuth, NEU

Afternoon Session

1:00: Sunscreens & Coral Reefs…A Toxic Mix George Buckley

2:00: Boston Sea Rovers 2018 Summer Internship Report Jake Stout – 2018 Boston Sea Rovers Summer Intern

3:00: Improving Performance in Diving   Giorgio Caramanna WHOI

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers