Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Before I knew it Jim and Pete were throwing me out of the car at the airport. It seems like only yesterday that I had arrived. Although it was only a week, I felt like I had known Jim and Pat a life time. They are wonderful people who open their home and their hearts to fellow divers. I learned so much and am inspired to continue and learn more about the field of underwater film making. I can’t thank them enough for all that they have done for me.

I learned going through airport security that there are those who walk among us those who have never seen a regulator before. These same mortals believe that regulators are a danger to others, especially those in flight. Any one who dares to take their regulators, dive computers, and other accessories, should be duly warned that it may take an hour or more to pass those diligent mortals who will attempt to inspect and dismantle this equipment in the name of passenger safety.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers