The Hunt

The team went to Rock Spring to collect samples.  Terrence led the way followed by Renee, Carl, and I.  Our mission as we dove into the cave was to collect the first set of samples. While they had warned me about the sharp rock and mega flow, no one had mentioned how low and tight it was going to be. There were a few spots that were so low I was not sure I was going to make it through. The team then exited the cave and brought the samples up.

Terrence and Renee went the furthest back from the stations and Carl and I went to go collect different cave organisms.  This was not an easy task in the high flow. I ended up having to crawl on my stomach and push on the cave sealing with one foot to get by without damaging the cave. This was one of the most beautiful caves I had ever seen. The neat thing about this cave is that it is not open to the public.  There are fossils and undamaged cave everywhere. Amazingly it still has the original survey lines in it. When we exited the cave we were met by a lot of curious people.  This is mainly due to the fact that the cave is right next to a big swimming hole. I do not think the life guards liked us to much. After that we went and tried to get tanks filled but the dive shop was closed.

We went back to the house for a well need rest and said good-by to Carl as this was his last day with us. The project came to an end as soon as it began.   We had a big debriefing meeting and called it a day.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers