The Boston Sea Rover Seminar

The morning of March 2nd, I arrived at the Copley Fairmont in Boston not knowing what to expect. The first item on the agenda was COMS or Career Opportunities in the Marine Sciences. This program caters to local High School students, exposing them to a variety of marine careers with the hope of sparking interest in the ocean. It is here that the previous year’s intern also gives their presentation officially for the first time. Unfortunately, do to flight issues, last years intern, Katy Marston couldn’t be at COMS, so the interns from the previous years stood up and talked about their adventures. That night I attended the pre-clinic cocktail reception at the Gamble Mansion where I was again inundated by many introductions. From then on I was constantly on the go. Pat Morton took me by the arm and hauled me around, introducing me to what seemed like every member of the diving community. I visited with Faith Ortins who fitted me for a new drysuit generously donated by DUI each year to the internship. I also attended a wonderful seminar by Annie Crawly on underwater video. This year, John Ellerbrock of Gates underwater housings donated a new HD underwater video camera and housing to the Scalli internship. During the Saturday night film festival, I officially became the intern as Patrick Scalli introduced me to the crowd that had gathered in the Hancock auditorium. Perhaps the most exciting announcement though came as Steve Drogin announced that he would be hosting me in Costa Rica aboard the Sea Hunter out on Cocos Island. Ernie Brooks was generous enough to pay for my airfare. My weekend spent at the Sea Rovers Seminar was simply an amazing experience. I wish to extend my thanks to Dan Orr of Divers Alert Network for donating a year of preffered dive insurance and to Bob Boyle of Undersea Divers for donating a brand new set of dive equipment.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers