Sea Rover’s Film Festival

Tonight was the night I had been waiting for! I was so excited to be named the Boston Sea Rovers 2010 Frank Scalli Annual Summer Intern!

With Dr. Silvia Earle

I was nervous the whole hour car ride up to Boston. After I met up with Pat and Dave Morton, we headed out to the Board of Directors dinner. The food was amazing and so were the people! As the first intern, Kate Douglas, helped me network the room along with Pat Morton, I was able to meet people I’ve only read about: Dr. Silvia Earle (the emcee for the evening), shark biologist Dr. Greg Skomal, cinematographer Peter Scoones, speaker and the Sea Rover’s 2010 Diver of the Year Wes Skiles (who wanted MY autograph), and cinematographer DJ Roller to name a few. I met everyone from deep-sea explorers and cave divers to the volunteers that help make these functions possible. This internship has already introduced me to a world I’ve only dreamed about!

The Frank Scalli Interns.

After dinner, I headed over the the New England Aquarium IMAX Theatre where the Film Festival would take place. I was so excited to see everyone’s presentations. At one point, Dave Morton asked me to stand so he could introduce me as the new intern. I was lucky I didn’t have to walk down any stairs or get up on a stage like the other interns, so I had it pretty easy! Everyone’s presentations were so interesting. I only hope that one day, I will be presenting my life’s work at the Sea Rover’s Film Festival too!

After the Film Festival, everyone headed to the docks for the Reception on the Water. There, I was able to see some familiar faces like Patrick Scalli, and also talk and take pictures with the speakers and interns. I met many more sponsors and Sea Rovers.

The night was a success, and I think everyone (especially me) had a great night! I was even more excited to get my summer started!

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers