Jeff Rotman is one of the world’s leading u/w photographers. Born in Boston in 1949, he learned to dive and began shooting underwater more than 30 years ago in the north Atlantic. Relentless in his pursuit of perfection, he combines an artist’s eye with a naturalist knowledge of his subjects. The result is a unique and inimitable assortment of images that blur the lines between art and science. A recent review of his work noted, “Among fellow photographers, naturalists and divers, Jeffrey Rotman is widely regarded with awe, so difficult is his specialty, so great is his mastery of it.” His work has been featured on television and in books and magazines worldwide, including Life, Time, Smithsonian, Natural History, National Geographic, New York Times Magazine, Geo and La Figaro. Jeff is also the author of sixteen successful books. Among recent honors, Jeff was recognized as the BBC Underwater Wildlife Photographer of the Year.