DAN DCS Workshop: Prevention, Recognition& Field Treatment of Decompression Sickness (DCS) for the Recreational Diver


Begins at 9:00am.

The morning program will consist of 20 minute lecture/instructional modules, each followed by 10 minute break-out sessions including case studies, practical application of the knowledge, discussion and self-evaluation.

  • Module 1: 9:00-9:30am, Causes and Mechanisms of DCS
  • Module 2: 9:30-10:00am, Signs and Symptoms of DCS Break: 10:00 – 10:15am
  • Module 3: 10:15am – 10:45, Early Signs and Prevention of DCS
  • Module 4: 10:45am – 11:15am, Diagnosis and Misdiagnosis of DCS
  • Break: 11:15 – 11:30am
  • Module 5: 11:30am – 12:30pm, Field Management and Final Treatment of DCS
  • Lunch Break: 12:30pm – 1:30pm 



DAN will offer two certification courses in the afternoon.

  • Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
  • Neurological Assessment for Divers

Students who participate in the afternoon program will have the option to earn both certifications.

*** Pre-requisites (for afternoon program only): Students must have a current/up-to-date, full CPR certification and must complete online pre-course modules prior to attending the course.

Download course description and application PDF.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers