DeLeon springs is about an hours drive from Renee’s house so we had to wake up bright and early to arrive their on time. Even so, Renee, Andy, George and I were the last to arrive. The gate attendant did not seem too keen on letting anyone from the project into the springs, however, after some coaxing we were admitted. Several of the other Cambrian interns weren’t able to make it, so I ran two test today. Rima, Kris and Jeff were also testing the water samples. According to the Divers, DeLeon is a miserable cave, and they only dive it for the pancakes afterwards. At the park where the springs are located there is a restaurant called the Old Spanish Sugar Mill, which always has a long wait and provides spectacular pancakes. So while we tested the water samples we longed after the pancakes. The sampling actually went fairly quickly, we were done by noon, but did not have reservations until one. So everyone sat around, stomachs growling, until our name was called. Long story short, they have the best pancakes ever! They provide you with the batter and toppings and you make the pancakes (all you can eat) yourself. Everyone departed DeLeon springs full of delicious pancakes and very satisfied at completing the mission.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers