Florida Drift Diving

We woke up bright and early, 430 a.m., to get down to the Giant Stride captained by Captain Larry.  We all drove down with Amy, I fell asleep when we where at a truck stop and Amy thought she left me there.  I guess you had to be there, but I thought it was pretty funny. I am not sure if Amy saw the humor in the situation.

Before I knew it, we were there and Terrence had already loaded our tanks for us. The first sight we dove was known as Horse Shoe. It was neat. We saw sea turtles and many other tropical fish. I saw a lot of the same fish that are in the Giant Ocean Tank in the New England Aquarium. During our surface interval Captain Larry cut up a pineapple for us. Some people on the boat were feeling a little under the weather.  We decided to pretend we were getting sick over the side of the boat.

The second dive site was the Fish Bowl. Woody, Boz, and Josh where loving every minute of the dive.  They were chasing after fish and turtles. It was very cool to see their excitement as they experienced one of their first ocean dives. I am amazed at how fast time is flying by.  It seems like we just got there and then the day was coming to a close. We headed back for home and went out for lunch. After lunch we unpacked, washed and dried the gear.

At night Paul, Amy’s husband, made us diner and we aid goodbye to Terrence. He had to leave for OCS. Getting ready for bed I couldn’t help but think about all the wonderful people I have met and had the privilege of diving with. It seems like the summer is just flying by.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers