Crab Collecting with George Buckley

I met up with George in the Orleans Stop and Shop parking lot.  I followed him back to his house.  We then donned our bathing suit and booties and headed for the beach in search of horseshoe crabs.  After collecting a few crabs and searching the beach for other specimens we headed back to his house to draw blood from the crabs.  After drawing the blood we dissected a few conchs and George explained the different parts and their uses.  I never knew how important horseshoe crab blood was to the medical field.  We released our horseshoe crab back into the water from which it had come from.

Next we headed to grab a well deserved dinner.  George and I talked about what I might like to do in the future and he told me about the class he teaches at Harvard.  We retired for the night because the next day would be busy at Woods Hole.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers