Captain Eric Takakjian a professional mariner has been sailing ships and oceangoing tugboats to various corners of the world since 1978. Presently Captain Takakjian is employed aboard an ocean going tugboat based in New York Harbor. He and his wife Lori also own and operate the research vessel QUEST conducting oceanographic and shipwreck research in the North East United States and outer continental shelf waters.
Captain Eric has conducted extensive historical research on New England shipwrecks. Since 1985 captain Eric and his team have conducted expeditions resulting in the location and exploration over 70 previously undiscovered shipwrecks in the waters around New England and outer continental shelf waters. A diver since 1972 and an avid shipwreck diver since 1975. Captain Eric has been a fellow of the Explorers Club since 1997, a member of the Steamship Historical Society , and is an associate member of the Boston Sea Rovers.