Well-known videographers Jim and Pat Stayer will share what they have observed over their 40 years of diving using HD video examples to help you find more sea life, interact with creatures and to understand how creatures interact with each other. The workshop is designed to help all divers enjoy the underwater world to its fullest. Photographers and videographers will find this information invaluable in helping them capture priceless shots.
Speaker Bios:
Jim and Pat Stayer are explorers and underwater filmmakers dedicated to sharing remote dive destinations with audiences across North America. They have been diving for 40 years and share their love for shipwrecks and the underwater world through their 3 books and 30 DVDs. Recently they have been compiling an extensive video database of animal behavior. The couple has been referred to as one of the best animal behavior videographers, according to Ernie Brooks. Jim & Pat served as President and Secretary of the Michigan Underwater Preserve Council and were founders of the Sanilac Shores Preserve. Together they ran a dive charter boat in the Great Lakes and discovered 8 shipwrecks. The Stayers were underwater cameramen for History Channel and their footage has appeared on several major networks worldwide. Pat is a member of the Women Divers’ Hall of Fame and Jim is a Licensed Captain. Now retired, they travel the world producing documentaries about exotic dive destinations.
Class limit of 16 people