Visual Inspection Procedures with Oxygen cleaning

You will learn to promote safety in the care and maintenance of high-pressure scuba cylinders and a comprehensive visual inspection procedures manual.  One of the goals is to raise the consciousness of the industry to the need to meet and exceed the minimum standards established by local regulations.  Another goal is to train inspectors in the proper handling, filling, and inspection techniques including the identification of the various defective conditions that can lead to cylinder rejection or condemnation.  You will visual inspect at least 3 cylinders in this hands on class. You will expand your repair skills to include the proper techniques and protocols of preparing scuba equipment for use with breathing gasses other than air.  Oxygen compatible system components, cleaning chemicals for cylinders and valves.

Contact Dive Right in Scuba at 815-267-8400 to sign up for the class and get your list of required tools to bring to class.  This will be an all-day class, from 8am till 5pm, we may be done earlier.  Cost is $350 which does not include tools or manuals required for the class.  Lunch is included.

Perquisite for the class – be over 18

Maximum Student space is 18

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers