Part I: Teach a more effective and profitable Rescue Diver class (4 hours).
Real-life Rescue Diving and how to make ‘Rescue Diver’ more dynamic, effective, and profitable. For Instructors, DM’s, AI’s and anyone interested in improving rescue skills. Keep students returning every three years to re-take the class. Learn what Rescue Diver equipment students should purchase, and what continuing Ed classes they’ll want to take afterwards.
Part II: The Art of being a Divemaster (4 hours).
Divemasters are increasingly important with the continuing reductions in diver education. Divemasters are faced with divers who are overweighted, poor swimmers, unable to breath with a flooded mask…. If you train divemasters, are, or hope to become a divemaster, this workshop is for you. Effective divemasters can make the difference between a fantastic dive and another diver drop out, and can help change the destiny of sport diving.
Includes handouts. $95 for the full 8 hours, or $50 per part if you prefer to only take one of the two. Register by contacting Lisa at Lifeguard Systems (845) 657-5544 or