Mitigating Risks for Public Safety Dive Teams 2014

It is impossible to eliminate risk for public safety dive teams. It is a dangerous job no matter how you look at it. However, new technology and new information can help you minimize your risk and help keep you and your team safer. This day long program covers some of the most timely topics in public safety diving. Each one is designed to help you be safer in the water.  This seminar will address the questions of how the new proposed will standard affect you and how you can provide input on the standard to the committees before they are finalized.

Topics to Be Covered:

Faith Ortins: DUI-  NFPA Contaminated Water Diving Standards
A member of NFPA Technical Rescue Sub-Committee on Contaminated Water Diving Equipment: NFPA 1953: The final version of new contaminated water equipment standard and what it means to the dive team.

Buck Buchanan: ERDI-  Standardizing Public Safety Training

Jeff Snyder: Seavision Marine Services – Role of Technology in Minimizing Your Risk

Steve Brown/Cambridge Fire Department Dive Team– Writing Successful Grants

Sgt Mike Berry, Virginia State Police diver and President of Underwater Criminal Investigators – Crime Scene Preservation

LUNCH BREAK: 12:30-1PM. Lunch will be provided.

Steve Brown – Cambridge Fire Department

Mr. Jeff Snyder is the President of SeaVision Underwater Solutions, Inc. (SeaVision). He carries over 13 years of experience in diving and remote underwater survey operations. A former U.S. Navy Special Operations Officer, Mr. Snyder possesses an M.S. in Geosystems from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a B.S. in Geology from Duke University. He is certified as a Hydrographer by the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping. He currently carries a USCG Merchant Mariner License as Master 100 Ton (Inland)/Mate 200 Ton (Near Coastal), and he had been previously certified as a commercial surface-supplied air diver through the ADC. In his work, Mr. Snyder frequently uses tools and techniques that can be easily tailored to support public safety search and recovery efforts.


Faith Ortins is the Vice President in charge of sales for Diving Unlimited International. She has been working for DUI for 15 years and developed their public safety program 6 years ago. Her scientific and technical diving and volunteer public safety diving experience gives her a unique perspective on the issue of contaminated water diving and its unique challenges. She is currently working with NOAA on the development a complete contaminated water diving system. She is also a member of the working group for NFPA 1953 which will issue standards for contaminated water diving equipment sometime in 2013/2014.

Please note that participants scheduled to speak at this workshop are subject to last minute travel and work emergencies that are inherent when working with emergency response personnel. – Participant list subject to change at last moment – please come back often for updates and additions to this workshop line up.
Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers