This is an entry level course certifying technical divers in the techniques required to inspect, maintain and service their own EDGE/HOG diving equipment. The course includes an in-depth look at how the equipment functions, basic repairs and cleaning. You will expand your repair skills to include the proper techniques and protocols of preparing scuba equipment for use with breathing gasses other than air. Oxygen compatible system components, cleaning chemicals for regulators.
Learn how to repair the industry’s fastest growing regulator for Technical Divers. This is a hands on class where you will learn how to repair your own Edge/Hog D1 regulator. You must bring your own regulator, tools, and own a copy, (bring and read “Scuba Regulator Savvy” by Pete Wolfinger) as well you will need the Oxygen Equipment Specialist Manual from TDI. A list of tools will be provided upon sign up that you will need for the class.
Contact Dive Right In Scuba at 815-267-8400 to sign up for the class, and get your list of required tools to bring to the class. This will be an all-day class, from 8am till 5pm, we may be done sooner. Cost is $350 does not include tools or manuals required for the class. Lunch is included.
Perquisite for the class is – Technical Diver showing proof of 2 technical specialties or a Dive Shop repair technician with proof of 2 manufacturers’ certificates.
Maximum student space is 18