Dive Equipment Troubleshooting & Field Maintenance
During this workshop you will get hands on experience troubleshooting common equipment failures and learning fixes that you can perform at any dive site. You will also learn how to identify the difference between problems that can be fixed at the dive site and ones that need to be handled at a work bench. Along with these topics you will also:
- Identify parts of a cylinder valve and common problems and solutions
- Identify the source of leaks and freeflows in regulator stages and hoses
- Learn techniques to repair basic issues in regulator stages and high-pressure / low-pressure hoses
- Identify common issue with BC dump valves and common quick fixes plus preventative maintenance
- Learn how to disassemble a common inflator mechanism as well as locate and repair common leaks
- Discuss the parts of the ultimate save-a-dive kit and how to travel with it
- Discuss common issues and easy solutions for problems with masks, fins, snorkels, suits, etc.
- Discuss basic scuba gear design principles and how to avoid making dangerous errors while working on gear
Q & A session about as many topics as we have time for.