Beyond Good Dive Practice, Beyond Good Photo Technique and Beyond Good Image Workflow: A Lifetime’s worth of U/W Photographic Cardinal Rules and Core Concepts.

Tom Easop has spent a lifetime studying and developing Cardinal Rules and Core Concepts to optimize underwater image-making. Implementing these rules and concepts lead to optimized practices, techniques and workflows. This workshop will teach you hands-on methods for:

Eliminating moisture / not wasting depth of field / speed light versus continuous light / white point(s) / pixel geography, compression & The Color Dimension / tripods / auto versus manual settings / entering and exiting the water / batteries & chargers / cards, cases & safe file storage / RAW development options / DNG / image file types / when to use LR versus PS and other applications for editing exposure, color, saturation & contrast adjustment / combining tools / HDR / masking / L*a*b* color & chroma variant spaces / HRLA USM / removing backscatter / sharpening / non destructive workflow / cataloguing images & session folders, AND MORE.

This is by far the most valuable workshop I have ever developed, imparting the most important information I’ve gathered through photography school, shooting workshops, retouching school, printing workshops, research, underwater camera building, and almost 45 years of experience. It will be time well spent for any underwater photographer or videographer regardless of skill level.


Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers