Phil received a PhD from Northeastern University studying carbon metabolism of eelgrass and has worked at the US EPA for over 29 years as a marine biologist. A US EPA certified Scientific Diver and Divemaster, he serves as the alternate Unit Dive Officer for the Region I dive team. Having spent over 500 hours underwater in seagrass meadows for science, his current research focus is on carbon sequestration by eelgrass and using high resolution satellite imagery to estimate seagrass abundance. He was awarded a Gulf of Maine Visionary award in 2014 for his work in seagrass conservation.
Jarrett Byrnes is an Assistant Professor of Biology, UMass Boston. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of complexity in nature. He is interested in how humans alter the diversity and interconnectedness of life on earth. Understanding how these changes alter the services that nature provides is a critical need as we watch ecosystem after ecosystem collapse. Jarrett coordinates the Kelp Ecosystem Ecology Network Of New England (KEEN ONE).