In December of 1993 when Mark Munro received his copy of the Aquacorp Magazine C2 (Closed Circuit) he had no idea how fast and long he would slide down the slippery slope of rebreather diving. In 1997, the year Ambient Pressure Diving released the first production rebreather for recreational divers, Mark converted a Biomarine BioPak 60 (BP60) into a pure Oxygen diving rig. In 1999 he modified the BP60 into a mixed gas rebreather using a PO2 monitoring system he’d designed himself. 2001 would see Mark diving a mixed gas rebreather of his own design which he built and dove for over ten years putting 500+ dives on the unit. After twenty-four years of rebreather diving Mark is still actively diving shipwrecks on a HEAT rebreather utilizing PO2 monitoring electronics of his own design.