Margaret Malkoski is the Director, Scientific Affairs for National Fisheries Institute (NFI) located in Reston, Virginia. NFI is the largest commercial seafood trade association in the United States representing the entire seafood value chain from “water to table”.
Prior to joining NFI, Margaret spent 32 years within the seafood industry processing sector in New Bedford, Massachusetts, where she held leadership positions in Product Development, Food Safety, Regulatory and Quality. Margaret assists NFI members navigate this highly technical arena, develops technical support materials, and conducts educational webinars and workshops for the seafood industry.
Margaret also serves as the scientific liaison to the Seafood Industry Research Fund (SIRF) Board of Directors, soliciting and managing the highly focused seafood industry research grants.
Margaret holds a Marine Science and minor in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. She resides in the seaside town of Marion with her husband and has two adult daughters. Margaret is a Boston Sea Rover and an active volunteer with Our World-Underwater Scholarship Society.