Ed Hayes and Gary Woods are the owners of Evolution Scuba Llc. a Scuba Industry Consulting firm based out of Ct. Together the travel the Scuba World to bring a new level of diving to their clients. For the last 20 years they have been working together to help all involved in the dive industry to reach new skill sets. Weather it be a dive shop, Military or Public Safety Teams, Tec or Cave Divers and especially the Recreational Diver, Ed and Gary are highly trained and qualified in the area of Diver Education and can help bring your diving to a whole new level of enjoyment. PADI Master Instructors, Public Safety Insructors for PADI/ERDI, TDI & SDI Instructors along with numerous specialty appointments and Ed being a GUE Instructor, Ed and Gary will blow your minds with the simple methods they have incoprated into their classes and work shops.