Dixon, Mark

Mark Dixon is a biological science technician at the NOAA Fisheries lab in Milford, CT; a position he has held for over 25 years. The Milford lab specializes in shellfish aquaculture. His main interest is understanding how energy flows through shellfish farms. A broad set of skills allows Mark to work on many different projects at the lab and spend a lot of time in the field. This mix keeps the job interesting and exciting. Mark’s favorite aspect of his position is working directly with shellfish farmers. A new research project at the lab, an oyster breeding center, will give him the opportunity to contribute to science that will make important improvements in oyster farming. He organizes an annual Open House at the lab that welcomes students from the region and community members to tour the lab. Mark is also a NOAA Scientific Diver with many science dives on a wide variety of projects.

     Mark earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a teaching certificate from Stockton State College in Galloway, NJ.

     He also holds a Master of Science degree in Oceanography from the University of Connecticut in Storrs CT.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers