If you have ever been involved in or witnessed a diving accident, it can be a traumatic experience. If you are a diving professional, you may wonder; Am I liable? What do I say? How will the investigation be conducted? Does my agency have my back? A recreational diver might want to know if they have any liability if they were involved in the accident and what they can do to help the investigation. This presentation offers insight into the many facets of a dive accident investigation. Such as, the potential for multiple coinciding investigations by different agencies. The scary fact that not all investigators are trained to conduct a proper diving accident investigation. We will identify the most common investigative agencies and their agendas. We are going to examine how to determine whether investigators are using the commonly accepted methods during their investigation. For the dive professional, the presentation offers an insight into what potentially expect during the investigation process. For the recreational diver, ways to assist investigating officials will be discussed.