Learn about the “Bell Island Story” along with Mine Quests’ 34 sq miles of submarine iron ore shafts under the ocean floor. This is the WWII story of U-boat Captains orders to sink two of the 4 iron ore carriers that lie in a protected bay just off Bell Island, Newfoundland. Germany was one of the main buyers of Newfoundland’s iron ore before war broke out, and their supplies were cut off. As the Allies continued to receive the ore, Germany was determined to stop the shipments. Hitler ordered subs in for two separate attacks. U513 and U518 and sank 4 huge freighters loaded and awaiting a convoy. The wrecks are now protected, upright and intact, full of artifacts and life, and about to be National Historic sites. See images and videos about these historical events and their current state, including pictures of the medals and awards from a sub Captain’s daughter that she donated to the local museum.