Lost Flight of Lake Champlain

In 1971 a flight was lost over Lake Champlain during a blizzard. This is the story of the search, forty three years later, as a crew returns with cutting edge marine technology to look for the lost plane. The flight was on the way from Burlington, Vermont to Providence, Rhode Island to pick up one of the pilots wives before continuing on to Atlanta. Five men were on board. Roughly four minutes after taking off from the Burlington airport, in blizzard conditions with sub-zero temperatures, the Aero Commander disappeared from airport radar. Due to the severity of the weather all rescue attempts were temporarily put on hold.  At the time, eye witnesses reported seeing a series of lights flashing over Lake Champlain and several items identified as being from the jet, including an oxygen tank, washed ashore and were recovered a few days later.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers