Bourbon, Holly Martel

HollyMBHolly Martel Bourbon is the Curator of Fishes/DSO for the National Aquarium in Baltimore since June of 2012. Bourbon and her Fishes team and Quarantine staff worked on the new Blacktip Reef exhibit animal component. Bourbon oversees a staff of 11 Fishes team members and the Fish and Invertebrate exhibits at the Aquarium as well as all the diving operations.

Prior to this Bourbon was the DSO/Biologist for the MA Division of Marine Fisheries based in New Bedford, MA for 7.5 years. She oversaw the diving operations of the Division and participated in New England based diving research.

From 1987-2005, Bourbon was a Senior Aquarist/DSO for the New England Aquarium in Boston, MA. Here she oversaw the daily operations of the Giant Ocean Tank, managed all aspects of the member sponsored collecting expeditions, and was a media spokesperson.
Bourbon is a member of the Women Divers Hall of Fame and an Associate Rover member. She is married to Bill Bourbon and they have a dog, Wally. The Bourbons are still relocating to Maryland and Bill has his business based in Plymouth, MA.


Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers