Asseer, Rudi

Hailing from Ontario, Canada, Rudi Asseer has been diving professionally since 1999 and is currently the President of Farallon USA, the world leader in Diver Propulsion Vehicles. Rudi has grown a passion for underwater photography and enjoys nothing more than exploring the unknown. Rudi has been a dive safety officer, videographer, photographer, rebreather technician, safety diver for numerous world class expeditions. The following is a recount of notable projects and expeditions with which he has participated.

  • 2002 St. Lawrence Greenland Whale Shark
  • 2003 Galapagos SRI Whale Shark DNA
  • 2004 Tanya Streeter World Record Team
  • 2004 Empress of Ireland Discovery Team
  • 2005 Truck Lagoon
  • 2006 Bikini Atoll.
Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers