Advanced and Nitrox Training

After my work on the Quest, I was off to Connecticut to meet up with past Frank Scalli Intern Richard Simon.  I would be doing my Advanced and Nitrox class with him.  The first night, we got all of the gear ready to go to Block Island and then did the majority of the classroom portion.  There were a lot of materials to go through, since I was doing two classes.  Nitrox or enriched air is a mixture of gas that has a higher percentage of oxygen than regular air; the two most common mixes are 68% nitrogen, 32% oxygen, and 64% nitrogen, 36% oxygen.  The next day we drove to Point Judith, RI to take a boat to Block Island.  There are a ton of wrecks near Block Island, which is a perfect location for the advanced dives.  We dove on the Troydon, and the Heroine. The Troydon is a 90 ft clam boat lying in 135ft water.  The Heroine is a broken up steam fishing vessel lying at 80ft.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers