A Day of Great Visibility

As the Wildkat pulled up to the mooring on the Sport I was very surprised, I could see the wreck from the surface. It was amazing that while looking up from the bottom I could see Jim and Pat’s boat. I got the overwhelming urge to call my father and joke about the horrible visibility on the wrecks. He was not amused!!

Most of this wreck lies on its side. As I explored all the Sport had to offer, Pat took some footage of the wreck with Jims new camera. On the next wreck the Elisa H. Strong the visibility wasn’tthat great, maybe 20 ft, the water however, was a warm 60 degrees. A very nice relief from yesterday’s coldwater. Later, back at Jim and Pats house I started assembling my footage. With Pat’s guidance I know that I will pull togethera video that captures the amazing experience I have had this week.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers