Dip, Dip, Dip

I started off this day with food prep again. It is amazing how much food 800 fish can eat in a day. Next Holly and I went to do the last stage of dipping with the new fish. We put the fish in cages and put them in the Giant Ocean Tank. This was done so the fish could get accumulated. Before I knew it, it was time for me to do the 1:15 dive. Each day there are four feeding dives and one cleaning dive. I will let you guess which dive I got to do………

You got it–the cleaning dive. I am not to keen about the sharks and the eels in the tank, however I am warming up to them. Holly said they have never bitten anyone on purpose. Makes me wonder how many so called “accidents” they had!!! In all seriousness the nurse shark and the sand tiger shark are very docile and wouldn’t harm anyone, unless provoked. In other words stay out of the way.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers