Malone, Bart

Bart_MaloneBart Malone has been diving for 54 years and diving shipwrecks for 41 of them. He is Senior Curator and Board Member at The Museum of New Jersey Maritime History in Beach Haven, NJ. He speaks at and is involved with the Cape May Maritime Museum and Education Center in Cape May, NJ as well as The New Jersey Shipwreck Museum in Wall, NJ. In addition to diving wrecks along the East Coast of the United States, Bart has traveled to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, The Orkney Islands, The Scilly Isles, and the Great Lakes to pursue his obsession. He has dived a multitude of shipwrecks, including WW I and WW II wrecks, the Andrea Doria, the Empress of Ireland, the USS Monitor, the Princess Sophia, German U-boats, and some of Billy Mitchell’s wrecks.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers