The Importance of Progressive Training for Public Safety Divers

Public Safety Diving requires a special skill set and training. Unfortunately new Public Safety divers are often enrolled in a recreational open water certification, handed a dry suit and full face mask, and placed on active status with the team.
In order to conduct safe operations, Public Safety Divers need to build a solid foundation of basic skills. Proper buoyancy control, formal dry suit and full face mask training are just the start. Without a basic skill set it is extremely difficult for team members to complete more advanced training such as dive site management procedures, use of specialized equipment, communications, and scene processing and documentation.
During this workshop, attendees are given an assessment tool to assist in determining the strengths and areas for improvement relative to Public Safety team diving skill sets.
Although this workshop is primarily intended for Public Safety team members, all Boston Sea Rovers clinic attendees are welcome to participate.

Boston Sea Rovers
Boston Sea Rovers